Who We are
We are the people of People's Women Education Society
We are an organization of ordinary women from villages and small towns. We are concerned about the need for better educational systems in these areas. Talented children who cannot pay school fees due to poverty and the lack of quality schools in villages and small towns face significant challenges
We, working women and housewives, are trying to combat educational inequality by saving ₹1000/- every month through the People's Women Education Society. Through small donations from the community, we are committed to building world-class, fully-equipped schools in villages, small towns, and settlements. Our aim is to bring about positive changes in the lives of the poor, farmers, and laborers.
Our mission
In the age of globalization and intense competition, the basis of education has shifted from talent to economic status. Children from economically strong backgrounds have access to high-quality education and well-equipped schools. However, due to the centralization of good educational centers in large cities, children from villages and small towns, despite their potential, are not benefiting as they should.
We, through the People's Women Education Society, are committed to building high-quality, fully-equipped national and international standard schools in villages and small towns that meet . We are dedicated to complete transparency and providing equal education for all. With the support of a large community, we are committed to ensured that school fees are determined by parents strictly in accordance with the salaries of teachers and staff. We are also committed to providing and encouraging opportunities in national and international competition examination, sports, arts and culture for everyone.
Our vision
"Education" is a key indicator of an individual's development and an educated person is the foundation for a country's progress. Everyone in the country must receive a good education and equal opportunities. Therefore, the government and administration are striving to the best of their abilities. However, due to globalization, competition, economic inequality, linguistic disparities, discrimination, and backwardness, the definition of equal education for all remains far from reality. A uniformly perfect education system for everyone has not yet been established. While the government is making efforts, privet educational organizations are working on a large scale to provide a comprehensive education system at their level.
Nevertheless, the projects of non-governmental schools are costly, making it difficult for many parents to bear the fee burden. Additionally, good government and non-government schools are only established in large cities, benefiting only urban residents. The People's Women Education Society is an organization of hundreds of parents from villages and small towns concerned about their children's education and its financial burden. Through small savings by these parents each month, it is possible to create a comprehensive education system in these villages and towns. Good schools can be established in each area by receiving micro-donations from citizens through various means. The schools created by large community contributions are not linked to profit and loss, which means their fees will be comparatively much lower than others. This allows even the poor, farmers, and laborers to benefit without a financial burden
People's Women Education Society commitment is to provide equal opportunities for all children by integrating the poor and the rich into a uniform education system.